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I'm a southern girl from the Carolinas — Greensboro, NC to be exact.  I started my radio career over 30 years ago. I gained my  radio 'stripes' by working on the nationally syndicated morning show "Tom Joyner Morning Show".  I worked as a producer then as a consultant assisting the nearly 100 Tom Joyner affiliate producers with execution of the show. I even managed to grab the #1 ABC Radio Network affiliate award. Over the years, I picked up other awards, too for my work as a news and entertainment journalist.


Today, I host The Janine Davis Show — heard by some 100,000 listeners middays, 10am - 3pm  on V101.9, WBAV-FM. It is a top-rated urban adult station in Charlotte, NC. (#25 radio market)


 Known as "JD The Diva", I deliver a spicy, bold and highly energetic radio show.  I'm a fan of celebrity gossip and current events. I've been known to be quick-witted and authentic. My goal is to engage, evoke and entertain listeners. To keep that momentum, I offer my best dance moves during one of my show favs  going LIVE on Facebook and mingling with members of my "Hunni Hive."  I even get personal and share my battles and triumphs during the show's "Inspirational Moment". 


A big part of what inspires me is my work as a social impact entrepreneur. In 2003, I created a non-profit organization — Girl Talk Foundation, Inc. — that hosts character-building programs that develop girls’ (ages 11-16) self-awareness, self-management and social competence. GirlTalk has impacted more than 30,000 girls and their families.





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